Saturday, April 26, 2008

Theofanis Giotis named PM Ambassador(TM) in Greece!!!

Originally published on 22nd of April 2008, at:

PMForum is pleased to announce that Theofanis Giotis (Θεοφάνης Γιώτης), CEO of ITEC Traning S.A., CEO of ITEC Solutions S.A. and President of the PMI Greece Chapter, has joined the PM AmbassadorsTM Speakers Bureau. Based in Athens and with over 20 years of professional experience, Theofanis advises organizations and speaks on project management throughout Greece and the Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA) regions. He has announced his availability to speak at project management events worldwide.

The PM AmbassadorsTM Speakers Bureau was introduced by PMForum in 2007 as a service for project management leaders and meeting planners worldwide. The program offers leading project management authorities, experts and leaders who are available to speak at conferences, meetings and seminars worldwide. PM AmbassadorsTM include globally-recognized project management professional experts; authors of PM textbooks; former presidents and chairs of PM professional societies; experienced project managers and PM professionals; and retired executives of project and program-oriented organizations.

PM AmbassadorsTM are available to speak at project management conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops, and at corporate events. Interested meeting organizers and planners can contact for more information. Background information about individual speakers, availability and potential presentation topics can be found at

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